Saturday, August 3, 2013

Realities of Homosexuality - Part 1

1. What is it?
  • Homosexuality is a spirit and a movement that is taking over many in our society.

  • Government, cultures, the media, entertainment, music, television, movies, all of these are being used to spread the message of homosexuality being something good and normal.

2. Good or bad?

  • Homosexuality  is described in the Bible as a perverted, unnatural, and shameful. Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 6:9
  • We are all sinners, all of us have tendencies to specific sins. Some are more given towards sins of violence or lying, and others are given to the sin of homosexuality. But all of us can be set free and clean with the blood of Christ.
  • People that struggle with homosexuality, like every other sinner, has to be treated with love and not condemnation, with respect and not disparagement, with equality and not inferiority.

3. Excuses and Arguments
  • There are thousands of ways to justify homosexuality, but none of them makes it right.
  • A lot of verses and facts from the Bible are manipulated to make it seem that homosexuality is not a sin for God.

4. How does the struggle with homosexuality feel?
  • The spirit of homosexuality is highly seductive, and it deceives by making you think is normal and good. In the following article (in Spanish but can be loosely translated to English with Google Translate) Jen talks about a revelation she received in a dream with a homosexual spirit: Espíritu Homosexual (first 5 paragraphs).
  • Homosexuality, like every other sin, is a binding to be freed from.  John 8:34-36

5. There is hope
  • Fighting against such temptations and making such sacrifices is worth it at the end.
  • God blesses anyone who obeys Him, anyone who puts their faith and hope in Christ. Proverbs 28:14
  • There is a way out from this sin (and all other sins) when we practice obedience towards God; with mercy God helps us stay away from darkness. Proverbios 16:6

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